"The movement to reform our juvenile justice system is long overdue. Youth diversion programs are receiving support and funding on a large scale. It is impossible, however, for us to reform our education and juvenile justice systems without training the individuals directly responsible for youth diversion programs in the science of child and adolescent development. [. . .]
If we continue to place law enforcement officers and teachers into primary positions on diversion without the support of experts, resources and comprehensive training in the field of child development, we will never authentically reform our justice system and youth offenders will continue to be punished, not rehabilitated."
Excerpt from : "Police Must Learn About Child Development Before Working With At-risk Youth"
By Kathleen Van Antwerp
January 22, 2018
"The convening is a huge sign," said Van Antwerp, the summit's opening speaker. "From judges to law enforcement to community based organizations coming together to say this is impactful, it's picking up momentum because longitudinal studies continue to show when we use the best practices in the science of child development we can impact these children's lives."
Excerpt from : "Across the nation, a new approach to juvenile justice"
By Logan Noblin
June 27, 2016
Van Antwerp, K. (2017) "Juvenile Justice Reform A Developmental Approach" e-Journal of the International Child and Youth Care Network (CYC-NET).
Van Antwerp, K. (2015) “The Role of Law Enforcement in Ecology of Socialization”
Protectia Sociala A Copilului – Revista de pedagogie si asistenta sociala – Anul XVII n-r 2-3 (57).
Van Antwerp, K. & Kelly, C. (2002). “Listen To Our Life Stories” Changing Care SWP Publishers, Amsterdam.
Van Antwerp, K. (2001). “Motel Eleven” Translated into Slavic
Zbornik, 2000-01 FICE International.
Van Antwerp, K. (2001). “Hey That’s Sarah’s Song”
Psychologica, Ontario Association of Consultants, Psychometrists & Psychotherapists.
Van Antwerp, K. (2017) "Global Juvenile Justice: A Developmental Approach" Association of Child & Youth Care Practice Vol.2 Issue 1/Winter 2017.
“KMA 628: Dr. Kathleen Van Antwerp & Assistant Director Mike Leum.” Audio blog post. KMA 628. PodcastOne, 17 Mar 2016. Web. 11 Oct 2017.
Van Antwerp, K. (2012) Let Me Walk By Your Side. A children’s book about the development of a child’s spirit and his growing relationship with his Father. Quiet Thunder Productions, Ventura CA.
Van Antwerp, K. (2006). Mandated Reporter Handbook: Frequently Asked Questions
One Circle, Inc. Ventura, CA.
Van Antwerp, K. (2005). Constructive Guidance & Discipline: Preschool and Primary Education 4th Edition Instructor’s Manual Contributing Author. Prentice Hall, Columbus, OH.
Van Antwerp, K. (2000). “Hey That’s Sarah’s Song” March 2000 Vol.2, Issue 1. Prevention News Child Abuse Prevention Council of Bartholomew County. Columbus, OH.
Van Antwerp, K. (1999). “His Trail of Silence” Fall 1999 issue of Reaching Today’s Youth; The Community Circle of Caring Journal. Bloomington, IN.
Van Antwerp, K. (1998). “I Can’t Come To School Today . . . My Mom’s In Prison And I Don’t Have A Ride.” A nonfiction title of compelling stories of abused, abandoned, and neglected children. Quiet Thunder Publishing. Ventura, CA.
Van Antwerp, K. (1998). “Sunflower Seeds and Cigarettes” March 1998 issue of Reclaiming Children and Youth; Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Problems. Austin, TX.
Van Antwerp, K. (1998). “Hey, That’s Sarah’s Song” November 1998 issue of Reaching Today’s Youth; The Community Circle of Caring Journal. Bloomington, IN.
Van Antwerp, K. (1998). “I Can’t Come To School Today . . . My Mom’s In Prison And I Don’t Have A Ride.” Featured in California Educator. March 1998 Vol. 2, Issue 6 California Teachers Association Burlingame, CA.
Van Antwerp, K. (1998). Multi-agency Integrated Systems of Care MISC evaluation culmination report Contributing Researcher/Practitioner University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA.
Van Antwerp, K. (1997). Foster Parent Training Handbook Aspira Foster & Family Services. Ventura, CA.
Van Antwerp, K. (1997). Special Education Training and IEP Meetings Manual. Aspira Foster & Family Services. Ventura, CA.
Van Antwerp, K. (1995). Ventura County Court and Community Schools Casa Pacifica
K-12 Administrator Handbook. Ventura, CA.